What is Facial Treatment? All You Have to Know
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I’m sure you all have heard about the facials. But what is a facial treatment?
Nowadays a ‘facial’ can relate to many things: masks to exfoliations to steams to electric currents. But, all that seemingly with one thing in common.
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The aim of getting good-looking skin. With age, we’re more likely to want such treatment due to poor diet, acne, anxiety eczemas, or just irritations left after using the best hard wax possible.
Right now, dehydration is one of the biggest skin damagers. Thus, we look to the ‘facial’ for a little rejuvenation and replenishment.
So, What is a Facial?
In short a ‘facial’ is the management of keeping the skin on your face in good health. Differing treatments are available and can include several ‘steps’ but ultimately each step is applied to the skin of the face.
The goal is to cleanse, extract, re-hydrate, tone, rejuvenate, revitalize and renew the layer of flesh on the face.
Can I do My Own Facial?
A facial is usually performed by a qualified esthetician in a Spa setting or Beauty Salon. However, with the know-how, one can effectively have a facial at home.
Indeed, a facial can develop into part of your daily routine – the simplest activity of waking in the morning and heading to the bathroom for a quick wash of the face with soap and water can be deemed a ‘facial’.
Video on How to Do Your Own Facial at Home
Read about the whole step by step procedure here.
So, let’s look at some differing ‘types’ of facials on offer, from ‘the easy reachable’ to ‘the commonly obtainable’ to the ‘way out there’ alternatives.
The Easy Reachable:
Soap and Water
A good old-fashioned way of keeping the skin on your face clean is to use soap and water. It’s been used for centuries and continues to stand the test of time.
Many may complain that soap just doesn’t do it for them yet. However, it’s truly what a simple facial can consist of.
At any time of day, you can head for the bathroom sink, run the cold tap, and grab your soap. Here’s the important part – use good soap!
Again, old-fashioned is best. As a starting point check out Pine Tar Soap.
It’s got history and is known to help skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and other itchy disorders, furthermore if you’re feeling creative. You could even make a bar of it with your own fair hands.
How to Make Pine Tar Soap
The process of making pine tar soap isn’t that hard. There a few different ways of how you can approach it at home.
Here is a recipe that will help you out in case you make up your mind to get creative and enjoy yourself: Pine Tar Soap Recipe. Have fun!
How to Use It
Work up the lather, massage the soap around into your forehead, cheeks, jawline, and neck. Take just a minute or two to indulge in a little finger massage (you can be your own best masseuse!).
Rinse with cool water, pat dry with a clean towel and hey presto! You’re good to go.
Benefits: it is quick, it’s accessible daily and it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.
The Commonly Obtainable:
The Full Facial Steam
Here’s a good historical treatment that’s been passed down through the centuries. It has far-reaching benefits beyond that just of the skin.
While ‘steaming’ you can utilize aromatherapy to bring welfare to the mind too.
Boil some water on the stove and while your water is getting hot make sure to clean your face (soap and water! Or gentle cleanser).
The steam is going to open up your pores. So, you want to ensure the outer layer of skin is free from dirt or grime which might otherwise seep into your pores.
Now put your hot water into a ceramic bowl of good size and have a couple of nice soft clean towels to hand. Here’s where you can add 3-5 drops of essential oil to enhance your steam.
Read more: Benefits of Facial Steaming
What Essential Oils Can You Use to Steam Face?
There are tons of different essential oils out there and they all have different benefits. Here are some of the ones that you should consider.
1. Rosemary
Rosemary is most popular in the Mediterranean region. People usually use it for cooking.
However, the essential oil itself is known for many health benefits. If you ingest it, it relieves stomach cramps and bloating.
That could come useful to those who have a lot of digestion problems. Inhaling rosemary helps to relieve throat congestion, flu, colds, and even allergies.
It’s antispasmodic too and therefore can easily be used to treat bronchial asthma.
2. Frankincense
This essential oil simply gives you a sense of peace and relaxation. Therefore, it helps to fight anxiety that so many unknowingly have.
The best part, a facial treatment with this one will help you to reduce acne blemishes.
It will also minimize the appearance of large pores and wrinkles since frankincense oil is high in antioxidants that reduce cellular damage.
3. Myrrh
Myrrh essential oil helps to maintain healthy skin due since it’s a great source of antioxidants. It helps to keep the moisture inside your skin and prevents it from aging.
On top of that, it’s great at killing bacteria on your skin due to the acetic and formic acids that it contains.
4. Clary Sage
Clary sage essential oils are extracted from the buds and leaves of the Clary Sage plant. The essential oil relieves spasms, helps with hormone regulation and therefore reduces depression.
It also expands capillaries and improves circulation that gives your skin the glow that you can only dream of. The steam of this essential makes it even easier for it to do its job.
5. Pine or Eucalyptus
Even though this essential oil is well known for its benefits in the household area, it’s great for skin and health too. It decreases toxins in the air and relieves unnecessary headaches.
Additionally, fights bacteria and reduces acne naturally! However, if you have very sensitive, dry skin, this essential oil might be too strong for you.
Therefore, it’s best to stay away from it!
How to Steam Your Face?
Without getting too close, gently bring your face to hover over the steaming water. Drape a towel over your head to create a shelter.
With your eyes closed breathe deeply and allow the heat to awaken your face. About 10 minutes should be plenty of time for good effect after which your pores will be freshly opened and softened.
Now smooth a little honey over your face for a couple of minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with a clean towel.
Close your pores by applying a gentle toner with a cotton wool ball (apple cider vinegar is a natural toner!). Lastly, apply a moisturizer to keep your face hydrated.
Steaming can dry it out, so it’s important to remember your moisturizer – or perhaps try face-softening oils like coconut, jojoba or argan.
Benefits: enhanced circulation, increased radiance, and improved receptivity to other facial treatments.
The ‘Way Out There’ Alternative
Face Freezing
This treatment is seemingly part of the deluge of consumer marketers we spoke of earlier.
Those who will have you brainwashed into believing their ‘scientifically expert proven’ product is the one that is going to give you boosted radiant skin without a wrinkle in sight.
This 20-minute facial treatment involving liquid nitrogen being injected into the forehead and between the brows.
It will set you back a cool few hundred pounds only to have ‘so-called’ immediate results lasting for four months.
Purportedly the liquid nitrogen puts the nerves into temporary hibernation so that the muscles relax and wrinkles disappear. Benefits: Zero.
What is a facial treatment? Hopefully, now you have an idea of what that really is and what benefits it offers.
Also, knowing what products to use to truly make a facial treatment valuable is important too!
If you have any questions or anything to add, share your thoughts in our comment section. Now have a lovely day take care!