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how to get rid of callus

The callus is an accumulation and formation of dead skin cells that harden and thicken more commonly over an area of the foot. The callus formation is the body’s defense mechanism to protect the foot against excessive pressure and friction.

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Calluses are usually found on the heel, ball-of-the-foot and the inside of the big toe. Some of the calluses also have an annoying deep-seated core. It’s called nucleation.

This specific type of callus can be especially painful to pressure. You can find a Plantar Callus on the bottom of the foot.

Calluses can also develop on the hands and other areas of the body where there is repetitive friction (like a violinist’s chin!).

Again, this is a form of body defense mechanism to protect the area of skin afflicted. Anyway, learning how to get rid of calluses on feet is essential.

Why do You Have a Callus?

Some calluses of the feet develop due to an improper walking motion which may occur due to wearing ill-fitting shoes, having bad posture and obesity, having flat or high-arched feet. However, more often than not high-heeled shoes are the worst offenders. 

Wearing high-heels puts enormous pressure onto the toes and thus, hard rough-feeling formations will develop.  It is this activity alone which puts women four times more likely to be at risk of developing foot problems than men.

People who are diabetic or who have a health condition that causes poor blood flow to the feet are also at a greater risk of developing calluses.

Other reduced factors for the development of a callus include deformities of the feet. Some of them – having bony prominences or loss of the fat pad on the bottom of the foot, and wearing shoes, sandals or trainers without socks or tights.

That will lead to friction on the feet. 

foot care tips

How to Spot a Callus

Here are some of the things that indicate the appearance of a callus.

  • Thickening of skin without distinct borders.
  • Most commonly on feet and hands over bony prominences.
  • Vary in color from white to grey-yellow, brown, or red.
  • May be painless or tender.
  • May throb or burn.
  • May form cracks (fissures) that are often sore.

How to Prevent Calluses

Prevention of developing calluses has to be the most obvious and healthiest option. Here are some of the things you could do.

  • Not wear high-heel shoes.
  • Always wear socks with footwear of all types.
  • Give feet some ‘breathing space’.
  • Give a little TLC (such as foot massage, spa, reflexology).

So, How to Get Rid of Calluses on Feet?

However, for those of you who already suffer from the manifestation of a callus let us take a look at some of the treatments you can administer in the comfort of your own home.

Remember – if not treated, the formed Callus can lead to other issues like skin ulceration or infection.

Also, it may cause sensitivity, tenderness, pain, and swelling. Oftentimes, simply removing the source of friction or pressure is enough to help a callus heal on its own.

Note: those who are diabetic should consult their doctor or physician before attempting any home remedies. Your calluses could be a sign of a bigger problem.

Natural Treatments You Should Try

If you don’t know how to get rid of calluses on feet, try some of these natural remedies!

Castor Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Fill a basin with hot, soapy water.
  • Add one small cup of apple cider vinegar.
  • Soaking your foot (or feet) in the water for at least 15 minutes.
  • Calluses should be softened enough to be filed with a pumice stone (a rough piece of volcanic mineral).
  • After filing rinse away, the debris and pat dry with a clean towel.
  • Dab some castor oil onto the affected area.
  • Continue treatment for a week to 10 days or until the full reduction of the callus.

Epsom Salts

how to prevent callus on feet

  • Place a handful of Epsom salts into a basin of warm water.
  • Soak feet for about 10 minutes.
  • Once the dead skin has softened, use a callus file or pumice stone to gently rub off the top layers of skin.
  • Wash your feet with clean water to remove the dead skin cells.
  • Pat dry with a clean towel.
  • Rub a thick foot lotion onto your feet or alternatively use basic petroleum jelly based ointment with a couple of drops of aromatherapy essential oil (Peppermint, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Lavender).
  • Continue treatment a bit further each day after a bath or shower to grind the callus down.
  • It might take a few weeks but is better than trying to remove the whole build-up at once – that will make the callus worse if you grind too deep too quickly.

Baking Soda

treating callus

Baking soda works as a natural exfoliator, making it very good preparation for calluses. The crystals in baking soda help exfoliate the hardened skin.

This treatment is best actioned before going to bed.

  • Add three tablespoons of baking soda to a tub filled with warm water. Stir thoroughly and soak your feet in it for at least 10 minutes. Wash your feet and scrub the softened skin with a pumice stone.
  • It’s also recommended to massage the callus for a few minutes with a baking soda paste. It’s easy to make – simple add 1 spoon of water to 3 spoons of baking soda. Wash your paste off and rub your feet gently with a pumice stone. In this way, you’ll remove dead skin cells.
  • Pat dry with a clean towel and apply an essential oil mix for continued softening of skin – 3-5 drops of Sandalwood with a carrier such as almond oil.
  • Put clean soft padded socks on to help retain overnight heat for optimum oil absorption.
  • Continue treatment for a week to 10 days or until the full reduction of the callus.

Bread and Vinegar

Another very effective remedy for calluses on the feet is to make a paste of bread and distilled vinegar. This paste helps soften the callused skin as well as reduce the risk of infection.

  • Soak your feet in warm water and then rub the affected area with a pumice stone.
  • Clean and pat dry your feet with a clean towel.
  • Soak a half slice of bread in one-half cup of white distilled vinegar.
  • Put the soaked bread over the callus and then keep in place by wrapping a bandage around the affected area.
  • Leave on overnight.
  • The following morning remove the bandage and apply moisturizing lotion.
  • Repeat daily at night until full removal of the callus.

Follow any mixes of these remedies once daily until your feet look healthy again.

Read more: How to Get Rid of Corn on Your Feet


I hope you know have an idea on how to get rid of calluses on feet and can easily do it at home. It’s quite simple to do that. If you have any ideas of your own, comment down below and let me know how you remove your calluses. Are there any particular remedies that you use? Let us all know!


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  1. Egore says:

    I have never enjoyed wearing shoes. However now that I’m 40 I think I’m going to have to at least wear socks at home. My poor feet are so rough and calloused from me walking around barefoot. I’ll be soaking my feet each day and gently removing the build up. Plus, I’ll try to make myself wear socks and soft shoes.

  2. claire says:

    I think its also linked to the type of work. The people I know are on their feet a lot, they may not put insoles in shoes or dry feet correctly, yet buy good shoes, but have worked many years on feet and moved around,they tell me it is better when have a break or cream feet or visit chiropodist or walk on grass or sand and some are on medication for heart, liver, diabetes etc.

    1. Karo Tries says:

      That’s so true Claire! Thank you for your comment. It’s important to understand that we all might have different causes thus should seek various treatments.